Finance Undergraduate Dissertation Topics: 12 Fresh Ideas

Your undergraduate dissertation is one of the largest papers that you will have to write in school. the idea is to show that you really have mastered the subject. It turns you from a student to a scholar. It is important however that you choose a good topic to write your apper on. If you fail to choose a good topic, you will have a lot of trouble writing your paper.

When it comes to choosing a topic, you will want to make sure that it is something that interests you and something that is relevant to finance. if you have a topic that relates to finance that you are interested in, you have to make sure that you are not conducting a study on something that has already been studied because this paper has to be original. You can improve on a topic that has already been conducted as long as it adds to it. with the list below, you can apply the ideas to a specific business to narrow it down. That way you can ensure that your paper is not duplicating someone else’s who read this same list.

  1. Bad checks and phone deposits: a look at the negative effects of technology
  2. Bank regulators: do they know how to deal with the new advances in technology
  3. Canceling a contract: consumer protection is important
  4. Debt collectors: should they be given more power?
  5. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: are their financial products and services designed for every American?
  6. Credit cards: should you keep them for emergencies or is it not worth it?
  7. Credit repair: the best methods to help college students
  8. Governor’s Office of Consumer Protection: Debt Adjustment Companies effectiveness
  9. Deposit insurance: National Credit Union Administration
  10. Dormant accounts: what happens to these accounts when spouses aren’t notified prior to death?
  11. Enforcement: actions that are against credit unions and banks
  12. High cost mortgage loans: are new government measures saving consumers from these type of loans?

Once you have decided on your topic, you should make sure that you begin to conduct your research so that you can develop a proposal to hand in to the board. That way you are getting everything in order early so that you don’t get behind. You will have to get your topic approved before you can start writing anyways.


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