Custom Dissertation Writing: Eliminating The Risks

Dissertation writing requires a lot of research and dedication. So let’s start with that and try to eliminate the risks while doing your dissertation research.

There are some ethical principles that one should follow while doing this research. For instance, doing good, and preventing any harm is one of the ethical principles.

There are four ethical principles that one should follow while performing dissertation research. So without any further ado, here are the four ethical principles that all students must follow:

  1. Minimizing the risk of harm
  2. Any dissertation research should not harm the participants in any way possible. In case there is a possibility that the participants might be harmed, or might end up in a position of discomfort, there must strong justifications for that.

    In a scenario where the participants might get harmed, it is best to do additional planning that would illustrate how the harm to the participant would be reduced. The participant should be informed about the harm in a complete, detailed debriefing.

    Below are some of the types of harms that a participant could be subjected to during the dissertation research:

    • Psychological distress and discomfort
    • Social disadvantage
    • Physical harm
  3. Obtaining informed consent
  4. This principle is one of the foundations of the research ethics. In simple words, informed consent means that the participants should understand and be aware that (a) they are involved in research, (b) what the research requires of them.

    This information might include the purpose of the research, the possible outcomes, and the discomfort or the inconveniences that the participants might face.

    The researcher should note that they should never leave out any material information about the research that would have an influence on the participants of whether they grant the consent or not.

  5. Protecting anonymity and confidentiality
  6. This one is important. In most research, the participants are required to provide sensitive information. Though there is a risk that the participants might be hurt if the data collection methods are insensitive, but there is a bigger danger if the collected data is not handled with confidentiality.

    Therefore, it is best to ask for permissions before such information is disclosed to any party. An alternative to that is to remove any identifiers.

  7. Avoiding deceptive practices
  8. It is common that the participants might still have no clue about taking part in research and what it requires of them if the practices are being deceitful. This is what makes these deceptive practices controversial. And because of this reason, any and all dissertation research should avoid any kinds of deceptive practices.


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