How To Prepare For Your Chemistry Dissertation Defense In 5 Steps

This short guide does not teach you chemistry nor does it explain the practical applications required to carry out a successful experiment. But what it does do is help you to prepare for your chemistry dissertation defense. In this case, the focus is more on academic research and essay preparation that you can utilize effectively towards your dissertation proposal and presentation.

Basic explanation and tools

By now, you should have a good understanding of your chemistry subject. Now you need to prepare the paper. And while you will be spending more time on research and note-taking, you still need to keep your practical toolkit to hand. You still need to test the validity of your sources. Below are five practical but nevertheless important steps that you can follow.

  • Begin with your proposal – By now you will have done some reading and taken down notes. Keep your written proposal short but coherent.
  • What happens after it is approved – Your first course of action will be to draft a workable program and timesheet to take into account the volume of work required, the time available and the deadline for submitting your dissertation.
  • Extending your research – Now you need to take your proposal a step further by creating a methodical list of reading resources that you will also need to align closely with practical (testing) work.
  • Proving your summations – This phase of your project may be easier and more invigorating than all other aspects of the project because you are already familiar with the basic principles and practice of chemistry.
  • Writing in your defense – But this process may be a little difficult at first. Working to schedule, be patient and take your time over this aspect of your presentational preparations. Take time out to consult cataloged library resources on how to prepare the academic essay. Then extend your practice to proper scientific writing where you are required to use all scientific language correctly and in its proper context. Also, learn how to prepare clear and easy to follow diagrams.

The approach taken in this practical guide is meant to make the process of proper research and dissertation writing a little easier for you. Particularly if this is your first scientific paper, and you are still new to the adherence of required academic conventions, use this guide to help you prepare.


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